
Education workforce – health and wellbeing support: report findings and recommendations

Findings and recommendations of a five-month project into how the wellbeing of the education workforce is currently being supported . It also sets out recommendations for next steps to begin to develop a comprehensive, consistent offer of wellbeing.

Operational Definitions

The Project Team- Education Workforce Support Project Team

  • Comprised of the ADES Executive Officer, three SG colleagues and two seconded project officers/report authors.

The Reference Group – Supporting Workforce Wellbeing Stakeholder Reference Group (SWWSRG)

  • Comprised of representatives from Trade Unions, Scottish Government, Education Scotland, GTCS, ADES, SAMEE, education establishments, LAs and CLD Standards Council.

This group was initially tasked with the oversight of Education Scotland's procurement of a package of support available nationally which included supervision spaces, support for early career teachers (Stepping Stones), a leadership programme for BAME teachers and offers in values-based leadership. Additionally, a coaching offer of one to one, peer to peer and a national PL programme in coaching for success were offered. Currently the national offer includes online coaching opportunities for all education practitioners with a wellbeing focus, and targeted coaching opportunities for those with leadership, pastoral or CP responsibilities. The group was reformed to provide steering for the creation of this report.

Collaborative Partners –

  • 29/32 Local Authority Representatives Nominated via ADES Directors
  • Representatives from 10/11 Education Stakeholder Groups as identified through the members of the SWWSRG.
  • o These were ASPEP, COSLA, Education Scotland, GTCS, SAMEE, and six Trade Unions (AHDS, EIS, SSTA, SLS, NASUWT, CTU)



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