Educational Outcomes for Scotland's Looked After Children 2010/11

This document is the second in a series of an annual summary of the educational outcomes of Scotland's looked after children.

Table 9 shows that the average tariff scores for looked after children who left school during 2010/11 were highest (176) for children who were looked after by foster carers provided by the local authority during the entire school year, and lowest (35) for children who were looked after at home for the entire school year. This is the same pattern as for 2009/10, but the average tariff scores are higher in 2010/11 for all types of accommodation than they were in 2009/10.

Table 9: Average tariff scores of looked after children who spent the entire academic year in a single placement and who left school during 2009/10 and 2010/11, by accommodation type

Single Type of Accommodation throughout academic year 2009/10 2010/11
Number of looked after children who left school during 2009/10 Average tariff score Number of looked after children who left school during 2010/11 Average tariff score
In the community:-
At home with parents 194 32 143 35
With friends/relatives 55 87 66 97
With foster carers provided by LA 59 160 77 176
With foster carers purchased by LA 16 103 29 145
In other community(1) 1 * - -
Residential Accommodation:-
In local authority home 55 66 44 49
In voluntary home 5 100 3 *
In other residential(2) 10 53 8 79
Single placement during the academic year 395 68 370 86
More than one placement during the academic year 118 62 102 54
All School Leavers who were looked after 513 67 472 79

(1) includes 'with prospective adopters'
(2) includes 'in residential school', 'in secure care accommodation', and 'crisis care'
Cells containing * represent small numbers that have been suppressed to maintain confidentiality


Email: Denise Macleod

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