
Effective community engagement in local development planning guidance: impact assessments

These impact assessments have informed the preparation the effective community engagement in local development planning consultation draft guidance. The assessments are being made available for comment in advance of their finalisation and finalisation of the guidance.

Annex A - Impact Assessments Screened Out

Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

Assessment not required declaration

Policy title:

Effective community engagement in local development planning guidance

Directorate: Division: team

Directorate for Local Government and Communities

Planning, Architecture and Regeneration Division

Policy lead responsible for taking the decision

Simon Bonsall

Rationale for decision

The Fairer Scotland Duty applies to 'decisions of a strategic nature' – these are the key, high-level choices or plans that the Scottish Government makes. The duty normally applies to new: strategies, action plans, strategic delivery decisions about setting priorities and / or allocating resources, major new policy proposals, and preparing new legislation.

The provisions that enable production of guidance on effective community engagement in local development planning, are set out in Section 16C of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997[29] as introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019.[30]

Having considered the Fairer Scotland Duty Guidance (October 2021), I confirm that the statutory guidance on effective community engagement in local development planning does not constitute a strategic decision and therefore an assessment is not required.

I confirm that the decision to not carry out a Fairer Scotland assessment has been authorised by:

Name and job title of Deputy Director (or equivalent)

Dr Fiona Simpson, Chief Planner

Date authorisation given


Strategic Environmental Assessment

Following consideration, it has been established that the guidance is likely to have no or minimal effects on the environment. Therefore, in accordance with the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005[31], a pre-screening notification was made and submitted to the SEA Gateway on 7 March 2023.

Future Proofing Legislation


The guidance is not legislation so may be updated as necessary over time.

The guidance is not technology specific and does not and does not intend to provide details on the methods of engagement that may be appropriate.

The guidance encourages the use of appropriate engagement methods.

On this basis a Future Proofing Legislation Assessment is not required.



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