
Effectiveness of children's services planning guidance: consultation analysis

Analytical report for the consultation on children services planning guidance.


1. Available at:

2. GIRFEC is the Scottish Government's approach to supporting children and young people. More information is available at:

3. The Fairer Scotland Duty, Part 1 of the Equality Act 2010, came into force in April 2018. The duty places a legal responsibility on particular public bodies in Scotland to pay due regard to (actively consider) how they can reduce inequalities of outcome, caused by socio-economic disadvantage, when making strategic decisions.

4. Scotland's Strategy to prevent and eradicate violence against women and girls. For more information see:

5. One respondent suggested the relationship between the Care Inspectorate and the guidance needed to be articulated more clearly

6. One respondent also suggested that it was not clear why youth justice strategies are listed separately to what should be considered under Children's Services Plans and questioned the appropriateness of this

7. Third sector interfaces (TSIs) provide a single point of access for support and advice for the third sector within local areas. There is a TSI in each local authority area in Scotland

8. Available at:



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