eHealth funding: independent review

An independent review by Grant Thornton UK LLP on eHealth funding between eHealth, NHS National Services Scotland and NHS Tayside between 2012 and 2018.

Appendix 1: Contacts List

The individuals engaged as part of this review:
Review sponsor
Director of Finance, Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate

Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate
Scottish Government Health & Social Care
Digital Health Governance & Programme Office Manager

Scottish Government – eHealth
Former Deputy Director eHealth
Interim Deputy Director eHealth (eHealth Lead NHS Dumfries and Galloway)

NHS National Services Scotland
Head of Corporate Reporting
Head of Finance ( IT)

NHS Tayside
Strategic Director of Finance
Director of eHealth
Head of Finance

SGHSCD revenue allocations 2012 – 1017 for NHS Tayside and NHS NSS
NSS Internal Audit report and subsequent clarification letter with respective attachments (19/03/2018)
Minutes of the eHealth Leads Group meetings 2012 - February 2018
Minutes of the eHealth Leads Finance Subgroup
Minutes of the NHS Tayside Board meetings and Finance and Resources Committee
Minutes and Finance Papers from the NHS Tayside Directors meetings
email correspondence provided by SGHSCD and others relating to funding requests and approvals over the timeline


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