
eHealth Strategy 2011-2017 (Revised July 2012 to include a Sixth Strategic Aim)

The eHealth Strategy for NHSScotland 2011-2017

Annex 1

Summary of our performance against actions and aims for the eHealth Strategy 2008-11

What By When How We Did
Exploit and improve what exists
SCI Gateway and SCI Store will be further consolidated and standardised, with priority given for the 18 week waiting times programme Targets and programme of work to be agreed by September 2008 Work completed in 2009
Definition and delivery of a Child Health summary Specification and proving work completed by the end of 2008 and roll-out thereafter Specification completed and consulted on in 2009. Implementation options put to Clinical Portal programme
Mental health: short term focus on eHealth support for Mental Health benchmarking Programme and Integrated Care Pathways. In longer term it is expected that PMS will provide facilities to further support mental health Short term targets and programme of work to be agreed by September 2008 Analysis of requirements and PMS completed, with ongoing engagement of stakeholders
ECS service will be enhanced through additional items of patient information and a wider user base. Subject to stakeholder and business case acceptance, progressively introduced over 2008-2011 Palliative Care Summary development work completed and now being rolled out. Pilot of scheduled care ECS access completed, case for roll-out in preparation.
Programme to deliver eHealth support to community health and social care focused on NMAHPs. Progressive improvement targets agreed with each NHS Board, through to 2011 Ongoing support for development and roll-out of MIDAS system
For telehealth and telecare, priorities will be to support home based care for managing long term conditions, delivery of care in remote and rural settings and improved ways of addressing unscheduled care Throughout the period of the strategy SCT reviewed resulting in move to NHS24 and strategy under development. Funding continued for telehealth and telecare.
Continue to develop and deploy "change and benefits" methods to help ensure that the potential of our new and existing systems is fully reached Throughout the period of the strategy Benefits focus built into governance mechanisms such as business cases
Significant procurements or developments
Led by NHS National Services Scotland, the technology which delivers the national CHI index for patient identification will be modernised and the service improved Complete by end 2009 Further consideration given to this strand of work, with working group now completed consideration of best way forward
Led by a consortium of NHS Boards, national procurement of a suite of products known as Patient Management System Contract in place by spring 2009, roll-out thereafter, live in 3 Boards by 2011 PMS procurement was completed in 2009 and is live in NHS Borders. Subsequent 4 Boards scheduled and in advance preparation
Led by NHS Tayside, national procurement of products and services for user identity management and Single Sign-on - the Clinical Portal Contract in place Spring 2009, roll-out thereafter, live in 3 Boards by 2011 Original approach revised, resulting in national procurement of Privacy Audit Tool and Single Sign-On products
Plan a managed transition from GPASS based on choice resulting from a national procurement. See also community NMAHP action below. Contract in place summer 2009, roll-out thereafter with a date to be agreed for migration of last GPASS Practices Roll-out well underway in all NHS Boards
Complete the business care and take decisions around the proposed national HR system By September 2009 Programme Boards approved EESS business case. NSS is leading on the development of the system
Further planning
Safeguarding information confidentiality: an upgraded information assurance policy and implementation plan developed Complete by Spring 2009, implementation thereafter Draft strategy approved, Spring 2011
Assuring eHealth patient software safety: agree action plan for mechanisms End 2008 Considered by the eHealth Programme Board and existing procedures acknowledged
eHealth Support in Long Term Conditions: action plan developed which will include 'patient eHealth' Complete by end 2008, implementation thereafter Patient Portal now live and under evaluation in Ayrshire & Arran. Ten LTC focused projects funded and underway
General: strategies and associated plans developed for ICT applications, technical architecture and finance of eHealth Complete by the end of 2008 Draft strategies and plans awaiting approval, Spring 2011
Support for delivering the strategy
Establish eHealth support for improvement collaborative in each NHS Board, including common support team. Priority focus for 18 week waits. By end 2008 Support provided and objectives met.
Develop a strategy for improving the professional skills of our eHealth staff By end 2008 Ayrshire & Arran commissioned to take this forward. Work approved and is being implemented locally
Develop an eHealth finance strategy in collaboration with NHS Boards Finance Strategy 2008-11 published summer 2008.


Email: Anne Martin

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