
Emergency Department signposting/ redirection guidance

Best practice guidance for Emergency Departments to ensure people are being seen by the right person in the right place for their healthcare need.

1. Background

The 6 Essential Actions for Improving Unscheduled Care National Programme first published guidance setting out best practice around ‘signposting and redirection’ from Emergency settings in 2014, sponsored by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. The documentation was the outcome of collaboration between an expert group spanning multiple professions, determining best practice guidance in order to ‘reduce variation across NHS Scotland and to ensure a consistent, cohesive, safe practice that can be established nationwide’.

This collaborative approach of amalgamating good practice remains at the centre of the Scottish Government’s approach to delivering Urgent and Unscheduled Care in Scotland, supported by the National Centre for Sustainable Delivery (CfSD).

Building on significant progress and developments that have already been made through redesign and transformation, the CfSD will support the rapid rollout of new techniques, innovation, and safe, fast and efficient care pathways for Scotland’s patients.

By working in collaboration with NHS Boards, health and social care partners, third sector, patients, academia and industry, CfSD aims to implement best practice through a ‘Once for Scotland’ approach, aligned with the priorities of the Scottish Government.



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