
Emergency drugs and equipment in primary dental care

This publication is a reviewed and updated publication of the NDAC 1999 publication ‘Emergency Dental Drugs’. It identifies a list of drugs and equipment which should be available to manage medical emergencies within the dental setting.

Appendix 1 Methods

For the review of this document, the latest versions of key sources including the British National Formulary and Resuscitation Council UK standards and guidelines were consulted to ensure that the updated text aligns with the latest recommendations.

Proposed amendments were discussed with a Senior Resuscitation Officer prior to seeking feedback from stakeholders including representatives of general dental practice, public dental service, consultants in dental public health, pharmacy, dental CPD medical emergencies trainers, Resuscitation Council UK, the General Dental Council, British Dental Association, College of General Dentistry and dental indemnity providers. The feedback received was reviewed and informed final amendments to the text before publication.

The contribution of Lawson Barclay, Senior Resuscitation Officer, to the review and updating of this document is gratefully acknowledged. This review was co-ordinated by members of the Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme team, Douglas Stirling, Programme Lead (Guidance) and Michele West, Specialist Research Lead. These contributors completed a Declaration of Interests form. No competing interests were identified.



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