
Empire, Slavery and Scotland's Museums steering group recommendations: Scottish Government Response

This publication is the Scottish Government response to the recommendations set out in the Empire, Slavery and Scotland’s Museums steering group’s report in 2022.

Recommendation five

Museums should support efforts to promote and embed race equality and anti-racism in the curricula in a meaningful, effective, and sustainable way.

The Scottish Government accepts this recommendation, and will consider, in partnership with Education Scotland, the further development of relationship building between international organisations and schools and education agencies in Scotland, to advance this work. This will consider existing relationships through the British Council and with Scottish Government's international development partner countries – Malawi, Zambia, Rwanda and Pakistan.

This recommendation aligns with the Scottish Government's Anti-Racism in Education programme (AREP) of work which identifies the important role of the education curriculum in promoting race equality and embedding anti-racism across learning and teaching. The Curriculum workstream of the AREP seeks to include the historical and current influence on society and culture of people of colour and people who have been targeted by racism. The role of Scotland in colonial history, and the impact this has had on the modern world, should also feature to ensure our young people understand the impact of colonialism, empire and historic slavery.

The Principles for an Anti-Racist Curriculum, "Breaking the Mould", articulate the aspirations and expectations from the perspective of children and young people and educators and leaders. Museums have a clear collaborative role in both the principle to "understand and enquire into Scotland's role in historical world events, including transatlantic historic slavery and colonial histories, and their continuing impact today" and in exemplifying the rich and diverse communities in Scotland and beyond and past and present events that amplify under-represented perspectives and stories.

Relationships led by Education Scotland are already established with Museums Galleries Scotland regarding the role of museums in underpinning learning and teaching in the curriculum, specifically in history and modern studies. A programme of conversations has been established over the last two years to link school and museum staff together and planning for the next year of this project is underway and will provide an opportunity to highlight work across this area.



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