Employment Injury Assistance delivery - next steps: response to consultation

The Scottish Government's response to the consultation on Employment Injury Assistance held between 30 April and 25 June 2024.

Question 1

The first section of the consultation provided a history of the Industrial Injuries Scheme and the challenges associated with devolution of the current scheme. It outlined the Scottish Government’s preference to reform the Scheme so that it better meets the needs of the modern economy and workforce in Scotland. It also outlined the Government’s preference to improve the administration of the Scheme so that it is delivered in line with our social security principles and provides value for money.

Question 1: Do you agree or disagree that the Industrial Injuries Scheme is not fit for purpose and should be reformed? [agree/disagree/don't know]

Please give reasons for your answer.

Respondent Feedback

A majority (61%) of respondents who answered agreed that IIS is not fit for purpose

A large majority of organisations agreed that the current IIS was not fit for purpose. Organisational responses cited the scheme not reflecting the modern workplace, inequalities and not aligning with Social Security Scotland’s principles of ‘fairness, dignity and respect’ as reasons for this view.

Views from individuals were mixed. One person stressed how important the benefit was to them while some others raised concerns about what reform might mean for their own payments.

Scottish Government Response

We welcome that the majority of respondents who answered agreed that IIS is not fit for purpose and is in need of fundamental reform. We note the range of reasons given for why IIS should be reformed. These will be addressed in the relevant thematic sections of this response below.

It is clear, however, that views from individuals are more varied and that protection of current awards is of significant concern. We recognise this concern and note the importance of IIS payments to people who receive them. Protecting the continuity of payments is our first priority during the devolution of all disability benefits. This will continue to be our priority for the approximately 24,000 people currently in receipt of awards under the IIS in Scotland.


Email: EIAconsultation@gov.scot

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