Employment Injury Assistance delivery - next steps: response to consultation

The Scottish Government's response to the consultation on Employment Injury Assistance held between 30 April and 25 June 2024.

Question 2

Section 2 outlined matters relating to the delivery of Employment Injury Assistance, including the transfer of current cases, and set out two options for implementation.

Question 2: Of the two options which do you think the Scottish Government should proceed with? Please give reasons for your answer.

1. Prioritise like-for-like benefit delivered with full case transfer and benefit reform to follow in the longer-term

2. Prioritise reform to deliver an updated benefit and a modernised approach delivery)

Respondent Feedback

While views from respondents were mixed, the preferred option for how to proceed with Employment Injury Assistance, expressed by 43% of respondents, was Option 2.

Organisations were more likely to support longer term reform with 44% of organisations expressing a preference for Option 2. Those in favour of Option 2 cited the need for reform and significant criticisms of IIS, in line with their answers to question 1.

The six organisations who did not give a preference gave reasons including a need for further consultation and engagement with people with lived experience. A couple of responses rejected the idea that there were only two options to choose between.

Individuals were less likely to support reform, with 60% expressing a preference for Option 1. Individuals set out concerns about the continuity of payments to people currently in a receipt of an IIS benefit. They also expressed confusion around the Scottish Government’s intended aims with reform of the benefit. The Scottish Government has previously made clear that working with the UK Government to ensure the protection of current payments is its utmost priority.

Scottish Government Response

While we recognise the range of views on Employment Injury Assistance and mixed responses to this question, we welcome that the largest group of responses support our proposed approach to prioritise reform of Employment Injury Assistance. IIS is the final devolved benefit to be replaced in Scotland and is one of the most complex benefits due to its age – it was first introduced in 1948 and it has undergone little reform. It is important that we take the time to fully consider the complexities of this benefit, including undertaking the necessary work with the UK Government, so that we can deliver a modernised Employment Injury Assistance while protecting current awards.

We recognise the importance of the lump-sum payments to the people who receive them. These payments remain reserved to the UK Government. We also recognise the interactions between the current Scheme and the lump-sum payment schemes. We will carefully consider the implications of future changes for eligibility to the lump-sum payment schemes. We will continue to work closely with the UK Government as we progress policy development.

We understand the view expressed by some responses that further consultation on more detailed options is necessary. This consultation is the first step of a wider process of engagement and policy development. We plan to consult further in due course on the challenges and opportunities for designing and implementing a fully reformed and modernised Employment Injury Assistance. This will include work undertaken by a new stakeholder steering group.

Concerns about the impact any reform could have on current payments continued to be a prominent theme from individuals. These concerns underline the importance of taking the necessary time to work through the complexities of devolving a decades old, largely paper-based scheme to ensure that current payments continue. We will also work closely with the new Employment Injury Assistance Steering Group to provide assurances to those who are currently in receipt of IIS.


Email: EIAconsultation@gov.scot

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