
Employment support services: customer charter - easy read

A lived experience panel was established to create this customer charter, which brought together users from groups likely to experience barriers to employment, including disabled people, ethnic minority groups and care experienced people.


The 3 commitments in the charter are listed below.

A Service that treats you with Dignity and Respect.

The first commitment is A Service that treats you with Dignity and Respect.

What this means:

This means that staff will think about how you feel when they give you support.

Services will always listen to you and treat you as an individual person.

Services will always respect your privacy.

It will be made sure that everyone is able to use the service.

Adjustments will be made to make sure the service works for everyone and that everyone’s individual needs are taken into account.

Staff should know about the problems each person faces and know the different needs of each individual person.

Services will work with employers to make sure you have the best start at your new job.

You should be able to keep getting support after you start your new job if you want it.

How you can help employment support services:

You can help by respecting the staff, and treating them well.

You can also help by telling staff if there are any adjustments which have to be made because of your culture.

A Service that works for you

The second commitment is A Service that works for you.

What this means:

Services should be made easy for people to take part in.

Staff will take into account the experience you already have and work closely with you as you try to find suitable and fair work.

Staff will always work to find other support for you if you need or want it.

The service will try to get information to people in the simplest way they can.

They will try to do things in the simplest way they can and make it easy for everyone to understand.

It will be made sure that you will be able to use services in the way that you want to.

The employment support services will work together with other groups and services to make sure they have the right skills and talent to help you.

Work will be done to make sure that the charter is always followed across all services which give employment support.

How you can help employment support services:

You can help the services by working with them so they understand the situation you are in.

You can help by being honest with people so they help you work out the best way forward for you.

A Service that learns and improves

The third commitment is A Service that learns and improves.

What this means:

You will be asked for feedback so that services can learn from you how to get better.

Changes will be made when they are needed to make sure you get the best service possible.

People who have used the service will be able to take part in looking at how well it worked.

It will be made sure that staff and the different groups and organisations from across Scotland will learn from each other.

It will be made sure that staff are well trained and know enough to support you well.

People who are working in services will be asked to speak out when they feel something could be made better.

Services will be open and always tell the truth.

They will always be clear about what changes have been made because of feedback.

How you can help employment support services:

You can help by telling people what you feel about the service so that the service can get better.

However you will never be forced to do this.

Easy Read prepared by Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities’ with images from Photosymbols.



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