
Employment support services: customer charter

The employability customer charter was co-designed with users of employability services and agreed by partners across the public, third and private sectors.

3. Who created this Charter?

The Charter was created with the voice of users at the centre. We established a Lived Experience Panel of service users who met monthly to help create this document.

It was important to ensure equal representation from those groups in society that are furthest from the labour market. We used evidence to identify the groups that fell into this category, then worked with organisations that represent these groups to identify people that could sit on our panel:

  • People from Minority Ethnic communities
  • Disabled people
  • People with a history of addictions
  • Refugees
  • People with experience of homelessness
  • Lone parents
  • People with a history of offending
  • Young people
  • People with experience of mental health
  • People living in rural areas
  • Care experienced people and carers



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