
Empowering Communities Fund: projects supported 2018-2019

Projects supported by our Empowering Communities Fund in 2018 to 2019.

Programme Expectation Indicative budget
People and Communities Fund (PCF) PCF supports robust community anchor organisations to grow and strengthen by delivering outcomes to meet and respond to the needs and aspirations of their local communities. £7.6m
Aspiring Communities Fund (ACF) ACF is a European Social Fund programme supporting community-led activity that will tackle poverty in deprived and fragile communities. This is a £18.9m fund in total with SG match funding European monies until June 2020. The Fund will help enable community bodies and third sector organisations develop and deliver long-term local solutions that address local priorities and needs, increase active inclusion and build on the assets of local communities to reduce poverty and to enable inclusive growth. £5.58m
Strengthening Communities Programme (SCP) SCP supports a mix of continuing and new proposals enabling communities that will be able to realise significant economic, social and environmental opportunities. It will also deliver a pipeline of organisations with their capacity enhanced and ready to advance on to more ambitious initiatives. Overseen by a Programme Board of external stakeholders, and chaired by the Scottish Government. £2.5m
Community Choices Fund

The Community Choices Fund continues to help increase the pace and scale of participatory budgeting (PB) in Scotland. Funding in 2018 to 2019 will include grant funding and support for community organisations, the continued investment in a national support programme for communities, public authorities and third sector, and targeted support for local authorities to take forward a mainstreaming PB programme across Scotland. 

Coalfields Regeneration Trust (CRT) To support the work of CRT in our ex-coalfield communities by enabling grassroots activity that tackles issues associated with poverty in these areas. £0.75m
Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) To support community groups who want to take advantage of the new powers on asset transfer in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. £0.35m
Making Places Initiative (formerly Charrettes programme) To support on-going work related to the Planning Review and the proposals for empowering communities to increase their influence in spatial and community planning, particularly the proposals to allow the development of local place plans as part of the statutory local development plans. The fund has potential to help address inequalities and to support the delivery of high quality housing. £0.275m
Wheatley Group – Strategic Partnership Building on an earlier iteration of this initiative whereby Wheatley match funded SG investment to deliver seven projects in the most hard to reach and vulnerable communities across Central Scotland. Projects spanned across ten local authority areas, responded to community priorities and delivered positive and sustainable local outcomes. £0.25m
WEvolution To support this Scottish Charity which develops and supports enterprising self-reliant groups to help people to work together to lift themselves and their families out of poverty. £0.225m
SURF Alliance for Action Programme SURF's Alliance for Action programme strengthens community resilience and promotes practical regeneration outcomes in a diverse set of case study communities. The programme is currently being delivered in Govan, East Kirkcaldy and Rothesay, Dundee, Dunoon and West Dumfries The programme will also enhance wider policy and resource considerations for supporting community regeneration. £0.175m
Link Up Contribution to overall funding package to support Inspiring Scotland to increase opportunities for people in communities to come together, get to know different people, participate and help each other. Other funders are Justice Community Safety Team and Public Health colleagues. £0.17m
Skills and Learning Exchange To provide community groups with access to funds to visit and learn from their peers. £0.1m
Men's Sheds To provide support for the Scottish Men's Sheds Association to allow them to promote and grow the men's sheds movement in Scotland. £0.075m
Support for Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) Funding allows SCDC to maintain its operations and offer an expanded service to assist communities and local organisations to develop increased capacity. The grant has provided staff with greater flexibility to work across different policies and programmes to capture lessons and good practice about what works in supporting community led action. £0.075m
Access to Elected Office Fund A fund to support disabled people who are standing for election. £0.05m


Email: Susan Bolt

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