
Ending conversion practices in Scotland: consultation summary

Summarised version of our consultation on proposals for legislation to end conversion practices in Scotland.

Part 9: Removing a Person from Scotland for Conversion Practices

58. Some victims of conversion practices may be taken out of Scotland for these purposes, with evidence of such actions detailed in several sources including research commissioned by the UK Government, and a report by Galop. We believe that legislation should address this harm. Similar concerns have been addressed in legislation relating to forced marriage and female genital mutilation. We therefore propose that it should be a criminal offence to cause someone who is habitually resident in Scotland to leave Scotland with the intention that they will undergo conversion practices. This would include a person being taken to another part of the UK, or abroad.

59. We propose the following sentencing range for prosecutions under this offence:

  • on conviction under summary procedure: imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or a fine, or both
  • on conviction on indictment (solemn procedure): imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years, or a fine, or both

20. What are your views on it being a criminal offence to take a person out of Scotland for the purpose of subjecting them to conversion practices?


Do not support

Don’t know

21. Please give your reasons for your answer to Question 20.

22. What are your views on the proposed penalties for taking a person outside of Scotland for the purposes of conversion practices?


Do not support

Don’t know

23. Please explain your answer to Question 22.



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