
Ending conversion practices in Scotland: consultation

Consultation containing detailed proposals for legislation to end conversion practices in Scotland.

Part 16: Wider Recommendations

What else is the Scottish Government doing to support the legislation?

203. The Scottish Government is exploring taking additional steps to support the legislation and to provide broader support to ending conversion practices in Scotland, as recommended by the Expert Advisory Group. Ending conversion practices will only be successful if measures which support the legislation are also taken forward.

204. Whilst key areas such as education, support mechanisms for survivors, and research will not be included in proposed legislation, it is equally as important and necessary for an effective and holistic approach to ending conversion practices to consider how to improve these areas. These measures should consider the diverse experiences of potential victims and survivors of conversion practices, including the experiences of LGBTQI+ people of colour and racialised minorities.

205. We will explore how best to educate children and young people as well as the general public on what conversion practices are, and the detrimental impact they have on victim’s lives, as part of our wider work on LGBTQI+ visibility. Tailored and targeted community outreach programmes will also be considered to ensure that no area of society is left out.

206. We will look at the scope of current support for victims and survivors of conversion practices, and how this support could be strengthened. It is important that support measures are holistic, person-centred, and trauma-informed, and are shaped by those with lived experience. They should be available across Scotland for everyone who needs them. We are exploring how current schemes could be expanded to ensure victims and survivors in Scotland are fully informed and supported through the legislative process and beyond. We will also look at where further support may be necessary, such as helping those going through the criminal and civil process once the legislation is in place.

207. We will consider raising awareness of conversion practices and the legislative actions, as well as how we can best inform victims and survivors of conversion practices of support services available to them.

208. Finally, we will consider establishing a research project to contribute to informing other work to end conversion practices, both in Scotland and internationally.



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