
Ending conversion practices in Scotland: consultation

Consultation containing detailed proposals for legislation to end conversion practices in Scotland.

Part 1: Consultation

Why we consult

1. Consultation is an essential part of the policy making process. It gives us the opportunity to get your opinion and expertise on a proposed area of work. You can find all Scottish Government consultations online. Responses are analysed and used as part of the policy-making process, along with a range of other information and evidence. Responses to this consultation will help to shape legislation designed to address harmful conversion practices.


2. The consultation was published on 9 January 2024 and closes at midnight on 2 April 2024.

How to respond

3. You can respond to this consultation online via Citizen Space or by post. Our preference is to receive responses online.

Respond online

4. To respond online, please use the Scottish Government’s Consultation Hub, Citizen Space. You can save and return to your response at any time while the consultation is open, but please ensure that your response is submitted before the consultation closes at midnight on 2 April 2024. You will automatically be emailed a copy of your response after you submit it. If you choose this method, you will be directed to complete the Respondent Information Form. This lets us know how you wish your response to be handled, and in particular whether you are happy for your response to be made public.

Other ways to respond

5. If you prefer, you can also submit a written response in hard copy to Equality Division, 3H-North, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh EH6 6QQ. Please ensure that you complete the Respondent Information Form provided separately on the main consultation page as a supporting document and attach it alongside your response. This lets us know how you wish your response to be handled, and in particular whether you are happy for your response to be made public. It is helpful if you can be clear which questions you are responding to so that we can make sure that we take your views into account in the right place.

Next steps

6. After the consultation has closed, we will analyse all the responses received and use them to help inform policy in this area. Where permission has been given, we will seek to publish responses where possible.



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