
Ending conversion practices in Scotland: consultation

Consultation containing detailed proposals for legislation to end conversion practices in Scotland.

Part 4: Objectives of Introducing Legislation

41. In developing proposals for legislation on conversion practices, we have been guided by the following policy objectives. These are that the legislation should:

Send a clear, unambiguous public message that conversion practices in relation to an individual’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity are unacceptable in Scotland and that they are harmful both to individuals and society.

Protect those at risk of conversion practices, deter those who intend to undertake conversion practices, and punish those who commit harmful conversion practices.

Provide clarity about what actions are permissible and what are not.

Protect the rights and dignity of all involved, including LGBTQI+ people, and respect freedom of religion and expression. Take a rights-based, victim-centred, and trauma-informed approach informed by the needs and dignity of survivors and victims.

Not inhibit nor criminalise non-coercive and ethical medical, therapeutic psychological, spiritual, and pastoral practices that provide support to individuals who seek help to explore their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Not inhibit nor criminalise legitimate gender transition or regulated medical intervention.

Not inhibit nor criminalise the exercise of parental responsibilities and rights including guidance for children and conversations about sexual orientation and gender identity.



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