
Ending Destitution Together: progress report – year one 2021 to 2022

Year one progress report outlining the implementation and delivery of initial actions of the Ending Destitution Together strategy.

Governance and Monitoring

To support successful delivery of the strategy we will bring together political leaders, practitioners and those with lived experience through a range of working groups. Through these arrangements we will seek to ensure effective delivery of the stated actions within the strategy and also ensure that the strategy remains agile and responsive to new opportunities and issues which affect the lives of those facing destitution.

To bring about strong political leadership and coordination of the strategy we will establish a joint political oversight group, co-chaired by Scottish Government and COSLA that will draw membership from key partners, expert advisors and those with lived experience. This group will be responsible for progress in delivering on our key actions and reviewing these existing actions in relation to innovation, partnership working and problem solving.

Supporting the political oversight arrangements two groups will be formed; a Delivery Leads Forum which brings together key partners responsible for delivering on each action within the strategy, and an Expert Advisory Group which will draw on the experience and expertise of stakeholders to better shape and inform the strategy over the coming years.

This approach will ensure that the strategy continues to recognise the challenging and evolving policy context anti-destitution work sits within and continues to build on our current approach of strong collaboration and co-production of activities across Scottish and Local Governments, the public sector and voluntary sector partners.



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