
Ending destitution together: strategy

A strategy to improve support for people with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) living in Scotland.

Finding A Pathway Out of Destitution

The Pathway Out of Destitution diagram sets out three points which illustrate the priority needs people have at different times: when at risk, experiencing or recovering from destitution. This tool can help policy makers and service providers to identify the support needed and inform how that can best be provided.

An individual or family’s specific circumstances will ultimately inform what they need; what can be done to support them; and the choices they make. This is not a linear process and additional issues may impact people at any time, but it helps to outline support considerations to help people identify and achieve a route out of destitution.

Point 1: Prevention
Where a change in circumstance could result in a person being in need of support but they will be restricted from accessing certain public funds and services – putting them at risk of destitution.

People need to be aware of, and able to access, information, advice and support services before any crisis arises.

Change of Circumstances

Point 2: Crisis
People are experiencing destitution and have urgent, essential needs which they cannot meet themselves.

People need a safe place to live, where they are not at immediate risk, can access health care and other essential needs are met.

People need access to appropriate legal advice or support for their circumstances, e.g. to regularise status or establish access to support they are entitled to and which can support them out of destitution.

Point 3: Route out of destitution.
People have moved beyond crisis but may still be reliant on medium to long term support and unable to fully support themselves.

People need to reach a long term, stable situation. (This may include choosing to leave the UK, or being able to support themselves in the UK.)

Key Aim:
People are able to make informed decisions about their future, with their rights protected and their urgent needs met.



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