Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030 - elimination delivery plan 2023-2026: equality impact assessment

This publication outlines the equality impact assessment carried out in relation to the Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030: HIV Transmission Elimination Delivery Plan 2023 to 2026.


1 Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026 — End Inequalities. End AIDS. | UNAIDS

2 Refer to Definitions of Protected Characteristics document for information on the characteristics

3 UK HIV Statistics | National AIDS Trust

4 Equality Act 2010 Guidance (publishing.service.gov.uk)

5 UK HIV Statistics | National AIDS Trust

6 HIV in Scotland: update to 31 December 2022 (publichealthscotland.scot)

7 PrEP.Models.Diverse.Needs.Scotland.Report.3.5.23.FINAL.pdf (gcu.ac.uk)

8 Pregnancy and HIV | Office on Women's Health (womenshealth.gov)

9 PrEP.Models.Diverse.Needs.Scotland.Report.3.5.23.FINAL.pdf (gcu.ac.uk)

10 PrEP.Models.Diverse.Needs.Scotland.Report.3.5.23.FINAL.pdf (gcu.ac.uk)

11 HIV in Scotland: update to 31 December 2022 - HIV in Scotland - Publications - Public Health Scotland

12 b01226_dd035fffb16d4c6abd64559922f4103a.pdf (smmash2020.org)

13 PrEP.Models.Diverse.Needs.Scotland.Report.3.5.23.FINAL.pdf (gcu.ac.uk)

14 HIV in Scotland: update to 31 December 2022 (publichealthscotland.scot)

15 In respect of this protected characteristic, a body subject to the Public Sector Equality Duty (which includes Scottish Government) only needs to comply with the first need of the duty (to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010) and only in relation to work. This is because the parts of the Act covering services and public functions, premises, education etc. do not apply to that protected characteristic. Equality impact assessment within the Scottish Government does not require assessment against the protected characteristic of Marriage and Civil Partnership unless the policy or practice relates to work, for example HR policies and practices.

16 See EQIA – Setting the Scene for further information on the legislation.


Email: SHBBV@gov.scot

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