
Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030 - elimination delivery plan 2023-2026: fairer Scotland duty assessment

Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment carried out in relation to the Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030: HIV Transmission Elimination Delivery Plan 2023 to 2026.

Stage 3 – assessment and improvement

  • What options could strengthen this programme/policy/decision in its impact on inequalities of outcome?

The Plan aims to eliminate HIV transmission and improve equity of access to HIV services, so aims to have a demonstrably positive impact on equalities of outcome. Work could be done to further consider factors such as lower income and social deprivation in relation to access to services. Also, ensuring that there is sufficient data to measure success and track policy impact.

  • How could the programme/policy/decision be adjusted to address inequalities associated with particular groups? Communities of interest or of place who are more at risk of inequalities of the outcome?

The policy’s vision is for everyone in Scotland to have access to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention services; to reduce the stigma around HIV; increase education and awareness around HIV; and for care and support to be available to those who need it, in a timely manner and irrespective of age, sex, sexual identity, background or location.



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