
Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030 - elimination delivery plan 2023-2026: island communities impact assessment

This publication outlines the Island Communities Impact Assessment carried out in relation to the Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030: HIV Transmission Elimination Delivery Plan 2023 to 2026.

1. Develop a clear understanding of your objectives

Our vision is to end HIV transmission. This means achieving the ambitious target of zero people contracting HIV within Scotland by 2030. This aligns with wider global strategic aims, including UNAIDS’ goal β€œto end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030.”[1] The Scottish HIV Transmission Elimination Oversight Group defined HIV transmission elimination as the point when there are zero individuals acquiring HIV within Scotland, regardless of age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, deprivation or disability status.

  • To prevent people from acquiring HIV, regardless of age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, deprivation or disability status.
  • To find people living with HIV in Scotland (some of whom are undiagnosed) and support entry or re-entry into equitable and accessible HIV care and treatment, thereby improving health and quality of life, as well as preventing onward transmission of HIV.
  • To reduce stigma that makes some people less likely to access HIV prevention, testing and treatment services and adversely affects quality of life.



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