
Ending HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030: HIV Transmission Elimination Delivery Plan 2023-26

A detailed delivery plan outlining prioritised actions for the elimination of HIV Transmission in Scotland by 2030.

Leadership, accountability, coordination and delivery

The HiTEOG report recommended the creation of a new steering group to oversee and advise on delivery, coordinate national outcomes and support NHS Boards and partners with local actions. This will be supported by the Scottish Government SHBBV officials and will provide regular updates detailing progress on the actions within this Delivery Plan to the Minister for Public Health and Women's Health via the Ministerial-led SHBBV Oversight Group.

At the completion of the work of the HIV Transmission Elimination Proposal Scoping Group convened by Scottish Government as an interim arrangement from March–June 2023, SHPN SHBBV Strategic Leads convened a HIV Transmission Elimination Delivery Implementation Short-Life Working Group (HIV-TEDI) which has met from September 2023 to provide oversight and coordinate implementation of deliverables for 2023-24 and to provide a forum for discussion to support the oversight and monitoring of the remaining actions to be developed and delivered in the first phase of the action plan. HIV-TEDI reports to SHPN SHBBV Strategic Leads.

The future structure for oversight of HIV Transmission Elimination within the SHPN will be established by April 2024 following a comprehensive review of SHPN SHBBV subgroups. This structure will support the development of a further Delivery Plan in late 2025 which will outline the future strategy and actions from 2026 onwards.

An inverted triangle showing the Leadership, accountability, coordination and delivery actions as incidence declines

HiTEOG 3.6: NHS Boards to annually review local actions to prevent BBV transmission including condom distribution, behavioural and biomedical interventions, provision of injecting equipment, testing in the presence of HIV indicator conditions and routine opt-out testing in relevant settings.

Action 34: As per the SHBBV Action Plan, the Scottish Government will reinstate NHS Board Visits and reporting against actions outlined in this Delivery Plan will form part of these visits.

Delivery by: NHS Boards, Scottish Government

Timeline: Medium term Commence: April 2024 Complete: March 2026

Details: SHBBV Board Visits will be arranged as required as part of the SHBBV Action Plan. They will provide NHS Boards with support in achieving sexual health and BBV deliverables. Boards will be asked to report against progress and where required a healthy level of challenge and encouragement will be given. These are planned to commence during 2024.



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