Ending Homelessness Together: annual report 2021

Annual report setting out the progress made in the last 12 months by national government, local government and third sector partners against actions in the Ending Homelessness Together action plan.


1. In 2019 and 2020, the equalities breakdown of our statistics was published later in the year in a separate publication.

2. There have been two events in the last 12 months (December 2020 and August 2021) and the sessions incorporate business planning, team building, policy discussions and learning and development activities.

3. Simon Community Scotland worked in partnership with frontline partners in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth, Dundee, Aberdeen, Fife and Ayrshire.

4. The guide was produced in collaboration with Aberdeen Cyrenians, All in for Change, Bethany Christian Trust, Crisis, Glasgow City Mission, Homeless Network Scotland, Rock Trust, SeAscape, Shelter Scotland, Simon Community Scotland, Street Soccer, Social Bite and A Way Home Scotland.

5. See Funding strengthens housing associations' homelessness prevention work - The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations Limited (sfha.co.uk).

6. Only three local authorities, Shetland Islands, Orkney Islands and Clackmannanshire councils, will not be developing a Housing First programme in their area. All three will have support available for people who require it but the scale of need is smaller in these areas.

7. Housing First is built around a series of principles to meet, rather than a series of specific tasks or activities to deliver.

The seven principles are:

1. People have a right to a home

2. Flexible support is provided for as long as it is needed

3. Housing and support are separated

4. People have choice and control

5. An active engagement approach is used

6. The service is based on people's strengths, goals and aspirations

7. A harm reduction approach is used

8. The move to phase 3 was announced in July 2020. Most of the remaining legally imposed restrictions were lifted in August 2021.

9. These figures relate to households supported to secure settled accommodation via a referral made under Section 5 the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001.

10. The former 'temporary accommodation management fee' was previously paid via a subsidy from the Department for Work and Pensions for each household in temporary accommodation. It ended on 31 March 2017 and the funding was devolved to Scotland.

11. Some awards from the Housing Voluntary Grant Scheme were for 18 months or two years.

12. Settled accommodation here is defined as a local authority tenancy (which accounted for 42% of outcomes), a tenancy with a registered social landlord (32%) or a private rented tenancy (5%).

13. The Bellgrove Hotel was a large private hostel in Glasgow known for its unsuitable living conditions. Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership did not use the Bellgrove Hotel as a means of accommodating homeless people but led on the work to support residents to move to more settled accommodation.

14. This is a commitment in the Scottish Government's programme for government 2021/22.

15. The Everyone Home is a collective of 35 third and academic sector organisations that have come together during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect the progress that has been made.›

16. It is being proposed that social work and children's services, aspects of healthcare, nursing in social work, justice social work, social care in prisons, alcohol and drugs services and mental health services are included in the National Care Service. COSLA has set out its concerns about the proposals within the consultation.

17. Our latest homelessness statistics show that single parent homeless households are more likely to be female – 16% vs 5% male.

18. For some councils it can take a long time to acquire a property of the right size and type for the household's particular needs. This can be exacerbated by limited turnover or stock availability, changes to a household's circumstances, or instances where families need to access other services such as health, justice or social work.


Email: Homelessness_External_Mail@gov.scot

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