
Ending the need for food banks: consultation on a draft national plan

This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government's vision and approach to ending the need for food banks as a primary response to food insecurity, and invites further suggestions on what more can be done to shape a national plan. Views are sought by 25 January 2022.

Targeting and equalities

15. Some groups are at higher risk of experiencing financial insecurity and are therefore more likely to experience difficulty affording food, fuel and other essentials. This includes:

  • People who have no recourse to public funds, in particular asylum seekers
  • Younger people
  • Disabled people
  • Lone parents
  • Minority ethnic households, including Gypsy / Traveller communities
  • Younger parents (under 25)
  • Families with children under 1
  • Larger families
  • People living in households on low incomes
  • People living in the most deprived areas

16. At a population level, prevalence of food insecurity is distributed equally between men and women. However, evidence suggests that there are differentials within high prevalence groups, for example lone parents have a higher than average prevalence and are more likely to be women, and single-adult households have a higher than average prevalence and are more likely to be men.[3]

17. In recent guidance to local authorities on tackling financial insecurity, the Scottish Government summarised the issues likely to be faced by those with protected characteristics and those experiencing socio-economic disadvantage. This guidance provides examples of tailored support put in place to reach these groups and encourages an intersectional approach.

18. An intersectional approach is important because some households will experience a combination of barriers to accessing food and other essentials, and the supports in place to prevent and respond to this. For example, people in the most deprived areas may have a low income and limited access to transport to access affordable food, people with No Recourse to Public Funds may not be eligible for some statutory supports, and minority ethnic communities such as Gypsy / Travellers may be less likely to access mainstream support.

19. Through our Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, we have identified six priority family groups where children are more likely to live in poverty and put in place targeted action. The Scottish Government is also working with trusted partners to increase access to supports, including MECOPP, Govan Community Project and the British Red Cross, with action integrated in to our Framework for supporting Gypsy / Traveller communities and Anti-Destitution Strategy



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