
Ending the need for food banks: consultation on a draft national plan

This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government's vision and approach to ending the need for food banks as a primary response to food insecurity, and invites further suggestions on what more can be done to shape a national plan. Views are sought by 25 January 2022.


2. Insufficient and insecure incomes drive household food insecurity which results in people having to compromise on food and other essentials. A rising cost of living and the loss of income support through the cut to Universal Credit and loss of furlough are likely to further increase financial hardship. The Scottish Government has limited power to challenge this.

For many frontline organisations, providing a referral to a food bank is often the simplest and quickest route to supporting someone who is experiencing financial hardship. While the compassion of volunteers across Scotland is commendable, food parcels are rarely able to meet dietary, social and cultural needs and preferences. Food banks are not an appropriate or long term response to poverty, and where they are the first or only port of call opportunities to strengthen income and prevent future hardship are often missed.



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