
Ending the need for food banks: consultation on a draft national plan

This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government's vision and approach to ending the need for food banks as a primary response to food insecurity, and invites further suggestions on what more can be done to shape a national plan. Views are sought by 25 January 2022.

Scottish Government approach

11. In line with wider action on poverty and informed by human rights, the Scottish Government's approach is weighted toward prevention with cash-first and dignified support in place where needed.

  • Prevention – strengthening incomes from fair work, social security and reduced cost of living to make sure everyone has enough income to afford food that meets their needs and preferences
  • Response (where emergencies/crises arise) – supporting joined up local responses to hardship that seek to make food banks the last port of call by promoting emergency financial assistance and money advice first alongside holistic support services. Where help to access food is required, this is provided in a way that maximises dignity and reduces future need.
Diagram 1: Independent Food Aid Network's hierarchy of responses
A diagram that presents a hierarchy of responses to food insecurity. Fair wages, secure work and social security are at the top of the diagram, followed by statutory cash grants, then charitable cash grants, then shopping vouchers. Emergency food parcels are at the bottom of the diagram.



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