
Ending the sale of energy drinks to children and young people: consultation

We are seeking views on whether there is a need to take mandatory action to ban the sale of energy drinks to children and young people.

Annex D - Consultation Questions

Question 1: Should sales of energy drinks to young people under the age of 16 be banned?

  • Yes
  • No - the mandatory age limit should be 18
  • No - there should be no mandatory age restrictions
  • Unsure
  • Other (please specify)

Please describe any factors you have taken into consideration and provide any evidence you have to support a specific age restriction.

Question 2: If implemented, are there any places where energy drinks are currently sold, that should be exempt from mandatory age restrictions?

Please explain your answer and provide any thoughts on how this could work in practice. In particular, views are sought for energy drinks sales in vending machines and those made online.

Question 3: Please comment on our proposals for enforcing any policies that are implemented.

Please include any practical issues that we should consider to ensure that the enforcement of any policy implementation is done fairly and is not overly burdensome.

Question 4: Please comment on our proposals for evaluating any requirements that are implemented.

For sellers only

Question 5: If you have implemented age restrictions for energy drinks, please describe any effect, positive or negative, that this has had on your business.

For sellers only

Question 6: If you do not have age restrictions in place for energy drinks, please describe any effect, positive or negative, that implementing such restrictions would have on your business.

Question 7: What, if any, impact do you think applying mandatory age restrictions to sales of energy drinks would have on businesses?

Please include any anticipated differential impacts, positive and negative, on sellers, distributors and manufacturers of energy drinks.

Question 8: What, if any, impact do you think implementing mandatory age restrictions to sales of energy drinks will have on people based on any of the following characteristics?

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sexual orientation
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage or civil partnership
  • Socioeconomic disadvantage

Please consider potentially positive, negative and differential impacts, supported by evidence, and, if applicable, advise on any mitigating actions we should take.

Question 9: Please outline any other comments you wish to make.



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