
Ending the sale of energy drinks to children and young people: consultation

We are seeking views on whether there is a need to take mandatory action to ban the sale of energy drinks to children and young people.

4. Impact Assessments

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

1. Mandatory age restrictions would create a consistent approach across both retail and Out of Home sectors. This would ensure a level playing field and mitigate any competitive disadvantage that currently exists with the voluntary ban.

2. We are seeking to reduce the purchase and thereby consumption of energy drinks by young people. The likelihood of an impact across the energy drink industry increases with the levels of success the policy has. This includes manufacturers where these products constitute a significant proportion of turnover.

For sellers only

Question 5: If you have implemented age restrictions for energy drinks, please describe any effect, positive or negative, that this has had on your business.

For sellers only

Question 6: If you do not have age restrictions in place for energy drinks, please describe any effect, positive or negative, that implementing such restrictions would have on your business.

Question 7: What, if any, impact do you think applying mandatory age restrictions to sales of energy drinks would have on businesses?

Please include any anticipated differential impacts, positive and negative, on sellers, distributors and manufacturers of energy drinks.

Health Inequalities Impact Assessment

3. Consumption rates for energy drinks are higher in areas of deprivation[33]. A mandatory age restriction could help to reduce health inequalities. Having a consistent approach across Scotland would mitigate any differential impacts that relying on voluntary action can have on young people from different areas.

4. Due to the nature of this policy, we recognise that there will be differential impacts depending on age if it is implemented. This is why we are asking for evidence in support of, or against, mandatory age restrictions. We are also looking for views on what is the most appropriate age limit for any restrictions.

Question 8: What, if any, impact do you think implementing mandatory age restrictions to sales of energy drinks will have on people based on any of the following characteristics?

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sexual orientation
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage or civil partnership
  • Socioeconomic disadvantage

Please consider potentially positive, negative and differential impacts, supported by evidence, and, if applicable, advise on any mitigating actions we should take.



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