
Ending the sale of peat: consultation

We are consulting on ending the sale of peat in Scotland. Responses to this consultation will inform plans and timescales for moving away from using peat products in order to protect peatlands from further damage. Their protection and restoration form important components of our Climate Change Plan.

Peat policy in the rest of the United Kingdom

To allow consideration of how policy developments in other parts of the UK might align with Scottish policy developed following this consultation, the following statements on current positions were provided by the other UK administrations in January 2023.


"Defra undertook a joint consultation covering England and Wales on measures to end the sale of peat and announced on 27 August 2022 its intention to legislate for a ban on the sale of peat and peat containing products in the amateur gardening sector in the course of 2024. Time limited exemptions would be made available for professional growers in recognition of technical barriers yet to be overcome in relation to the propagation of certain plants and the production of some edible crops. The Welsh Government also announced in December last year that they would work with the UK Government on next steps to implement the ban in Wales."

Northern Ireland

"The Draft Northern Ireland Peatland Strategy to 2040 has undergone public consultation and is currently being revised prior to approval to publish by an incoming Minister and the Northern Ireland Executive. A proposed action in the revised draft Strategy is to conduct a review and publish a key issues paper on peat extraction and the use of peat and peat products and take forward any recommendations made. The aim of the proposed review is to explore supply and use of peat products and peat alternatives in Northern Ireland in order to develop future policy direction."


"The Welsh Government announced on 5 December 2022 the retail sale of peat in horticulture will end in Wales. This follows a public consultation which shows 92% of Welsh respondents supported an overall ban of the sale of peat compost. Evidence from the consultation and stakeholder workshops suggests a ban for the amateur sector should be introduced rapidly (by the end of 2024) with the bans for ornamental and edible horticultural use coming in as quickly as practically possible thereafter. This will be in line with Defra's announced plans to ban all sales of peat to amateur gardeners in England by 2024 to protect peatlands and the natural environment. The Welsh Government is working with the UK Government on next steps to implement the ban in Wales."



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