
Ending the sale of peat: consultation

We are consulting on ending the sale of peat in Scotland. Responses to this consultation will inform plans and timescales for moving away from using peat products in order to protect peatlands from further damage. Their protection and restoration form important components of our Climate Change Plan.

How we will use your responses

Responses to this consultation will inform our policy on ending the sale of peat in Scotland. Your responses will guide timescales for introducing a ban in Scotland and help us to devise a plan for exemptions, supported by further discussion with industries. A suite of impact assessments to consider the effects on the environment, businesses, islanders and equality will provide further evidence. We will engage with stakeholders as part of the consultation process, gathering views from those who might be affected by a peat sales ban. This approach will allow us to devise a plan to end the sale of peat in Scotland that is robust, workable and fair.



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