
Tackling single-use items: independent report

Report from the Expert Panel for Environmental Charging and Other Measures setting out principles that can be used to reduce the dependence on single-use items in society.


photograph of the Panel chair and the Cabinet Secretary

Dame Sue Bruce
Expert Panel on Environmental Charging and Other Measures

I, and my Panel member colleagues, have welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the development of policy on reducing our throwaway culture and tackling Scotland’s dependence on single-use items. 

Ending the Throwaway Culture: Five Principles for Tackling Single-use Items is the second and final output from the Expert Panel. It is designed to be a tool for anyone looking to take steps to reduce the reliance on single-use items, offering practical and helpful guidance.

Earlier this year, I was pleased to accept an invitation to contribute to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery, Chaired by Benny Higgins, which had a remit to provide expert advice on Scotland’s economic recovery once the immediate emergency, created by coronavirus, has subsided. An aspect of this was to consider how government policy can help the transition towards a greener, net-zero and wellbeing economy.

I hope that the Five Principles for Tackling Single-use Items will be useful to policy makers and organisations who want to use this opportunity to develop greener ways of working as they prepare for the “new normal” by considering how they can reduce dependence on single-use items and to focus on being part of the green recovery. There has never been a better time to take steps to reduce environmental harm arising from our everyday habits. This must continue to be a priority for us all if we are to achieve the goal of being a net-zero society by 2045. 

As this marks the end of the Panel’s term, I would like to thank the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform for inviting us to inform the Scottish Government’s policy on single-use items.  I would also like to express my sincere thanks to the Panel of experts for their commitment to completing this work and the Secretariat team for their ongoing support. 



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