
Endoscopy action plan

This action plan to improve Scotland's endoscopy service covers a 24-month period and sets out steps to ensure that all new patients will be seen within six weeks for key endoscopic tests.


Progress against the Endoscopy Action Plan will be closely monitored via the Waiting Times Improvement Plan Operational Programme Board (WTIP OPB), with the opportunity for additional funding made available from this source. To support the delivery of the actions outlined in this plan, an implementation group will be formed. This will comprise of Scottish Government officials, relevant NHS Board representatives, screening counterparts and third sector representation. This group will be formed in Spring 2019 and will be chaired by a Senior NHS Manager and Clinician.

Progress reports will be regularly shared through the WTIP OPB with the EAP being reviewed on a continuing basis, and refined to ensure actions remain applicable and new and emerging evidence is acted upon, as necessary.



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