
Endoscopy and urology diagnostic: recovery and renewal plan

Diagnostic services are a key part of the patient pathway and often the first stage of treatment to ensuring people have access to the right care in the right place, therefore timely and safe diagnosis is a vital step to delivering high-quality patient-centred care.


The Scottish Government will develop a delivery plan underpinning this recovery and renewal plan ensuring that all 20 actions are monitored and progressed effectively.

This plan will be overseen by the Endoscopy and Urology Diagnostic Elective Care Group (EUDECG) with representation from all key stakeholders (appendix) to support delivery. This group will report to the Integrated Planned Care Steering Group.

We will also work with NHS Boards to develop and implement trajectories/actions within their endoscopy and urology diagnostic plans. Performance Management of NHS Board plans will be through the established performance management framework.



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