
Energy Consumers Commission 2020-2021 workplan: consultation

A consultation on the Energy Consumers Commission's first work plan covering 2020-2021 ahead of the set up of Consumer Scotland in late 2021. Sets out proposed priorities for advocacy and specific projects to be completed.

3. Aims of the Commission

The ECC will incorporate a broad range of views and take a whole system approach, taking a wide definition of the energy system – including consumer interactions with networks and challenges outside of the regulated energy markets, in order to advocate on behalf of Scottish energy consumers to address the key challenges and opportunities they face.

Our aims are to achieve:

  • Improved outcomes for consumers in Scotland, particularly those in vulnerable circumstances.
  • A clearer connection between the voices of consumers, and those that represent them, with decision makers in Government and industry.
  • The adoption of principles of inclusivity and fairness as we move to a decarbonised energy system.

In all aspects of its work the Commission will have due regard to equalities, shall not discriminate based on any protected characteristics and will aim to ensure that its processes and work plan encourage inclusivity.

The Commission will take a multi-level approach. In addition to its work in improving consumer outcomes through engagement with grassroots organisations and directing advocacy spending it will also be a  strategic leadership group within the Scottish Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).

SEAB provides a forum for high level discussion on energy challenges and opportunities and is co-chaired by the First Minister and Professor Jim McDonald of the University of Strathclyde. The chair of the ECC has been appointed as a member of SEAB and will input on the Commission's progress and priorities, providing valuable challenge on consumer needs and expectations.

The Commission will also utilise a collaborative approach, avoiding duplication with the work of the following bodies amongst others – the Just Transition Commission, Citizens Advice Scotland, Energy Action Scotland, Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel and other Scottish Government Strategic Leadership Groups.



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