
Energy Consumers Commission 2020-2021 workplan: consultation

A consultation on the Energy Consumers Commission's first work plan covering 2020-2021 ahead of the set up of Consumer Scotland in late 2021. Sets out proposed priorities for advocacy and specific projects to be completed.

4. Objectives for 2020/21

The ECC will adopt the following objectives:

  • Strengthen the consumer voice within energy market decision making, including through; industry, the regulator, UK Government and SEAB.
  • Support grassroots organisations to ensure the consumer voice is heard from an array of previously underserved geographic and social groups. Increasing capacity to engage with high level decision making amongst grassroots organisations.
  • Direct consumer advocacy work using a portion of energy levy funding in Financial year 2020/21.

This approach will help move towards a fairer energy system for all consumers.

Consultation Questions:

1. Do these objectives support the aims of the Commission in the first year?

2. Are the objectives clear and achievable?



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