
Energy Consumers Commission 2020-2021 workplan: consultation

A consultation on the Energy Consumers Commission's first work plan covering 2020-2021 ahead of the set up of Consumer Scotland in late 2021. Sets out proposed priorities for advocacy and specific projects to be completed.

9. Engagement in Decision Making

A timeline is included below of some of the key industry and government changes over the forthcoming 12 months. We anticipate that the ECC will engage in many of these to represent the needs of consumers in Scotland, with a focus on impacts on our priority areas.

2020/2021 Q3

  • Ofgem RIIO-2 Final determinations for gas and electricity transmission and gas distribution (December)
  • UK Government Energy White Paper Published (Autumn TBC)
  • UK Government Heat Statement Published (Autumn TBC)

2020/2021 Q4

  • RIIO-T2 and RIIO-GD2 are implemented (1st April)

2021/2022 Q1

  • RIIO-ED2 networks to submit draft business plans to Ofgem and challenge group (July) 

Scottish Specific Events/Publications

  • Publication of Scottish Government's Fuel Poverty Strategy
  • Publication of the Scottish Government's Heat Decarbonisation Policy Statement 
  • Publication of the Scottish Government's Climate Change Plan Update 
  • Publication of the Scottish Government's Bioenergy Action Plan 
  • Passing of the Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill 
  • Just Transition Commission Final Report 
  • Hydrogen Policy Statement and Action Plan 
  • Scottish Net Zero Roadmap 

Where deemed relevant by the Commission, the chair and/or other members will engage in opportunities to share their insight, and that of their network, through advocacy work. This may include membership of relevant working groups and responses to consultations From Ofgem, the UK Government and others.

To drive the Commission's advocacy work in these areas, the ECC will bring in additional expertise from key stakeholders in themed meetings. Relevant industry representation will be invited to these as well as Government, regulators, community groups and others as appropriate.

The Commission will consider and engage with the unique challenges faced by a diverse range of consumers across the energy market. These may include different ethnic groups, vulnerable consumers, different age groups and other protected characteristics. This may be through regular engagement and consultation with these consumers and representative bodies, and a requirement to consider the equalities impacts of any work.


  • Scrutinise and respond formally to key consultations within the energy landscape.
  • Members will engage with relevant bodies in the development of policies to ensure that the voice of consumers in Scotland is heard, representing views of grass roots organisations where appropriate.
  • Proactively raise issues where the ECC has identified that there is a risk of consumer harm, or opportunities to improve consumer outcomes.
  • Arrange a series of focused meetings with key stakeholders to better understand specific concerns, disseminate best practice, or develop improved approaches to areas where consumers are at risk of harm.

Consultation questions:

10. Does the timeline identify the appropriate areas for ECC advocacy activity over the coming year?

11. Will the described series of engagement adequately incorporate industry, regulator and other voices into the process?

12. Will the identified actions appropriately meet the objectives of the ECC?



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