
Energy Consumers Commission - project plan 2021 to 2022: consultation

A consultation on the Energy Consumers Commission's project plan covering proposed spending of Scotland's share of the energy advocacy levy for 2021-2022.

1. Introduction

This Project Plan sets out the intended direction for our work in the 2021/2022 financial year. We have aligned our work across four key themes as set out in our work plan,

  • Energy Debt
  • Supplier Best Practice and Customer Service
  • Improving Outcomes for Vulnerable Consumers
  • Engagement with Decarbonisation

We will build on the work carried out by the commission in the 2020/21 financial year to deliver practical outcomes and increased, more diverse engagement across the energy sector in Scotland. In doing this we will maintain a strong connection to end users and the many groups that represent them with an active focus on direct consumer engagement and ensuring fairer energy markets for consumers during the economic recovery from COVID-19.

The energy advocacy landscape is changing. In 2017, the Scottish Government was devolved powers for consumer advocacy and in order to best utilise these new powers a new body, Consumer Scotland will be established by late 2021. Consumer Scotland will be responsible for the expenditure of energy levy funding as well as the water and postal levies.

To date, energy levy money has been directed to Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) with the Energy Consumers Commission (ECC) utilising a proportion of this in the financial year 2020/21. This year full energy levy responsibility in Scotland is transferring to the Energy Consumers Commission but with a focus on maintaining and building on the expertise, knowledge and networks that exist within the CAS Fairer Markets team.

CAS will work with us, providing policy expertise alongside support to deliver advocacy, manage projects and deliver communications, all of this will be done with an eye on the end user for whom the levy funds are collected to serve.

Throughout 2021/2022 the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be felt. Beyond the immediate impacts on consumer energy costs and supplier operations this may also have an impact on engagement with decarbonisation as consumers adjust to new ways of working and new market structures. Our work will play a valuable role in building an understanding of these new challenges and opportunities throughout the year, connecting to the diverse range of consumers in Scotland, and championing their interests across the energy sector.



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