
Energy Consumers Commission - project plan 2021 to 2022: consultation

A consultation on the Energy Consumers Commission's project plan covering proposed spending of Scotland's share of the energy advocacy levy for 2021-2022.

3. Consumer Scotland

The Consumer Scotland Bill was introduced to the Scottish Parliament on 5 June 2019 and passed stage 3 in the Scottish Parliament on 6 May 2020. The Bill establishes a new public body - Consumer Scotland - to represent the views of consumers and take an evidence-based approach to tackling the most serious issues of consumer harm in Scotland.

The Scottish Government is working to establish Consumer Scotland by the end of 2021. This organisation will direct the spend of consumer advocacy funding in Scotland raised through levies on consumer bills in the energy, water and post sectors.

The ECC will be incorporated into Consumer Scotland following its establishment to lead on energy related work and input to relevant cross-sector projects. This process will provide an opportunity to re-assess the role and remit of the Commission following its first year and to further refine these as required.



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