
Marine piling - energy conversion factors in underwater radiated sound: review

A report which investigates the Energy Conversion Factor (ECF) method and provides recommendations regarding the modelling approaches for impact piling as used in environmental impact assessments (EIA) in Scottish Waters.

5. Summary and Recommendations

This section provides a summary of the review contents and the recommendations for the prediction of the underwater sound fields resulting from impact piling.

  • The point-source equivalent ECF method comprises:
    • generating a single value broadband ESL for which the inputs are the hammer energy and the point-source equivalent ECF.
    • Calculating a source spectrum using recorded results scaled to the generated ESL.
    • Using a point source propagation model to generate the per-pulse SEL sound fields from which impacts are assessed.
  • Benefits of the method include:
    • its simplicity in that it requires only the hammer energy and a value for β to generate a source function.
    • the speed at which one can generate source inputs and modelling outputs.
    • its exploitation of a powerful physical principle, i.e., conservation of energy
  • Shortcomings of the method exist in the source generation:
    • The ratio of hammer input energy to radiated acoustic energy in the water column is not a fixed universal value. Recorded values range from 0.17 % to 1.56 %, which equates to a range of 9.6 dB.
    • The dependence of this ratio on input parameters based on the pile, the hammer, the environment, and the geometry is not well understood.
  • Shortcomings also exist in the modelled propagation:
    • The nature of propagation from point source models is substantially different from one suitable for piling noise. It is also noted that a source level does not exist for a pile, and that it is unhelpful to attempt to characterise it as such.
    • Predictions of distances to sound level thresholds can often be out by orders of magnitude, with examples showing errors up to 10 dB within 5 km of the pile.
  • Effects are compounded when both are used:
    • In one reported numerical modelling example, combining the point-source equivalent ECF generated point source using β = 0.5 % with the point source propagation model yielded underestimates of the per-pulse SEL of between 9.5 and 12.1 dB between 100 and 1000 m from the pile when compared against the dedicated pile model.

The following recommendations are made:

  • Modelling using the point-source equivalent ECF method described above should not be used, having been entirely superseded by more modern approaches and shown to be inaccurate for sound field predictions.
  • Numerical modelling provides the greatest flexibility in terms of selection of hammer, pile, and environment and is considered the leading method, provided:
    • The Mach wave nature of piling is taken into account in the source modelling, and
    • This is coupled to a propagation model that will support the Mach wave.
  • Genuine values of the ECF, however, could be used for sound level predictions provided they are used with a model that supports them, e.g., DCS model.
  • If a measurement or measurements exist for the scenario in question, the DCS model can be used to predict sound levels at other distances up to approximately 5 km using the reference sound level.
  • Where measurements exist of similar scenarios, these may be used with adjustments to apply to alternative scenarios with caution.
    • Possibilities include change in hammer energy, change in ram mass, change in pile diameter, and change in water depth.
    • The difficulty of this approach is knowing how to determine whether changes are too numerous or great. If in doubt, it is recommended to remodel using numerical techniques.



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