
Energy efficiency and condition standards in private rented housing: consultation analysis

This report presents an analysis of responses to the consultation on energy efficiency and condition standards in private rented housing.

Profile of respondents

In total, 198 responses were available for analysis, of which 108 were from groups or organisations and 90 from individual members of the public. The majority of responses were received through the Scottish Government's Citizen Space consultation hub.

Respondents were asked to identify whether they were responding as an individual or on behalf of a group or organisation. Organisational respondents were then allocated to one of seven categories by the analysis team. A breakdown of the number of responses received by respondent type is set out in Table 1 below and a full list of organisational respondents can be found in Annex 1.

Table 1: Respondents by type

Type of respondent Number
Energy related private sector, including EPC Assessors 5
Landlord 28
Letting Agent /Property Management/Chartered Surveyor/Legal Firm 12
Local Authority 22
Other 4
Professional or representative body 26
Third sector/ campaign body/social enterprise 11
Organisations 108
Individuals 90
All respondents 198

In addition to the standard responses, a report written by Shelter Scotland on behalf of WWF Scotland was also submitted. The report draws on the views of over 200 private tenants. It is referred to as the Shelter Scotland report when referenced elsewhere in the analysis.

As with any public consultation exercise, it should be noted that those responding generally have a particular interest in the subject area. However, the views they express cannot necessarily be seen as representative of wider public opinion.


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