
Energy efficiency and condition standards in private rented housing: consultation analysis

This report presents an analysis of responses to the consultation on energy efficiency and condition standards in private rented housing.


1. Here and at subsequent questions the number of comments made at each question has been rounded up or down to the nearest five to give a sense of scale of response. The format in which some respondents made their submissions (statement style or by frequently cross referencing between answers at different questions) has meant that the analysis team had to make judgments as to where particular comments were best considered.

2. Part 2 of the consultation seeks views on widening the scope of the repairing standard to include agricultural tenancies and some holiday lets. See questions 2.23 and 2.24 for details.

3. Although the number of people answering the question is given as 24 as at other questions, the answers given sum to 22. It has been assumed therefore that 2 respondents said they did not know or did not answer this question.

4. Excessive cost is one of the situations where the Scottish Government proposes landlords should not be penalised for not carrying out the full improvement identified by the minimum standards assessment. Views on a proposed cost cap of £5,000 for a property to achieve band E are sought at Question 1.22.

5. Although the number of people answering the question is given as 24 as at other questions, the answers given sum to 22. It has been assumed therefore that 2 respondents said they did not know or did not answer this question.

6. An Independent review of consumer advice and protection related to home energy efficiency and renewable energy measures, chaired by Peter Bonfield. The report is available at

7. The ARC or Annual Return on the Charter is submitted to the Scottish Housing Regulator and gathers a range of financial and performance information about social landlords and measures landlord performance against the Scottish Social Housing Charter .


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