
The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (Scotland) Regulations 2019: CRWIA

Child Rights and Welfare Impact Assessment (CRWIA) relating to the private rented sector regulations, to be laid before the Scottish Parliament later this year.

CRWIA Stage 4
Assessing the Impact and Presenting Options - key questions

1. What likely impact will the policy have on children’s rights?

No negative impact on children’s rights have been identified for those living in the private rented sector.

2 How will the policy/measure contribute to the wellbeing of children and young people?

Provide any additional assessment using the wellbeing indicators framework.

Studies indicate that children with existing health problems can potentially benefit from living in improved house conditions as a result of energy efficiency interventions, with improved respiratory health. Educational attainment may also improve with reductions in school absences due to illness arising from cold homes and/or having more heated rooms for undisturbed study.  The physical health of infants could also improve in relation to healthy weight gain and lower susceptibility to illness.

These Regulations will help contribute to the wellbeing of the estimated 19,000 families in the PRS currently living in properties rated EPC E, F or G, bringing them up to a higher standard of at least EPC D. These benefits include a healthy start, the child’s wellbeing and happiness, child social and physical development, educational attainment and child confidence.

3. Are some children and young people more likely to be affected than others?

Which groups of children and young people will be affected by the policy/measure? Are there competing interests between different groups of children and young people, or between children and other groups? List options for modification or mitigation of the proposal.

Scottish House Condition Survey 2015-2017

  • The survey only tells us how many households with children are affected – the small sample sizes limit further in-group analysis and so it is not possible to compare statistics for different groups of children and young people. 
  • SHCS data suggests that proportionally speaking, the incidence of families in both regulated groups reflects that of the PRS and Scotland as a whole (roughly a quarter).
  • However, of all families living in the PRS, 23% (representing around 19,000 households) would be affected by regulation to EPC D. A higher proportion of older households in the PRS would be affected with 37% in the regulated group (around 15,000 households). 
  • Of all the households in the PRS regulated group to D, families represent 22%, older households 17% and other household types 61%. Although the groups within the sector represent varied sizes, all groups will be given equal priority.

4. Resource implications of policy modification or mitigation

If recommending any changes to the policy/measure, include estimates of cost implications

No further modification to the policy/Regulation is proposed at this point. 

5. How does the policy/measure promote or impede the implementation of the UNCRC and other relevant human rights standards?

This will inform Scottish Ministers’ duty to report to Parliament on children’s rights under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is a legally binding international agreement setting out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of every child, regardless of their race, religion or abilities.

The Private Rented Sector regulations aim to tackle the least energy efficient properties in Scotland, within the private rented sector, with potential positive impact on the health and wellbeing of children.



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