
The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (Scotland) Regulations 2019: consultation

Consultation on private rented sector housing regulations 2019, for the improvement of energy efficiency and condition standards of privately rented housing in Scotland.


Over its 20 year lifetime Energy Efficient Scotland will make our buildings warmer, greener and more efficient - supporting efforts towards eradicating fuel poverty, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as contributing to sustainable economic growth.  Energy Efficient Scotland brings together a programme of work to improve the energy efficiency of Scotland's buildings and to decarbonise their heat supply.

Over its lifespan, we estimate that investment of around £10-12 billion of public and private funding will be required. This will help create a substantial Scottish market and supply chain for energy efficiency services and technologies.  We estimate that for every £100 million spent on energy efficiency improvements in 2018 approximately 1,200 full-time equivalent jobs were supported across the Scottish economy.

Our Route Map to an Energy Efficient Scotland published in May 2018, set out a pathway to realising this vision and the actions we will take over the next 20 years which includes proposals to introduce a framework of standards, which will be phased in gradually over the lifetime of the programme, helping to make it the norm to invest in energy efficiency.  For Scotland’s homes, this phased approach will allow property owners to plan in advance for upgrades, give certainty to the Scottish supply chain so that they can invest in and grow their businesses, and allow Scotland to reap the economic benefits of the programme.



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