
Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH): guidance for social landlords (revised February 2019)

Revised guidance for social landlords on the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH), February 2019.

2 Developing the EESSH

2.1 A working group was set up in 2011 to develop the EESSH, including representatives from the Scottish Government, Local Authorities, Registered Social Landlords, the Energy Saving Trust, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, the Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and the Scottish Housing Regulator.[7]

Building up from the case studies

2.2 Draft case studies were produced to profile the most common constructional types and age bands of the housing stock.

2.3 Alongside a stakeholder consultation on the proposed standard, a peer review was undertaken to ensure that information could be provided on what stakeholders regarded as 'Harder-to-Treat' dwelling types, and what actions could be undertaken to improve the energy efficiency of these dwellings.

Reasonable measures methodology

2.4 The working group developed the proposed EESSH ratings by applying a set of "reasonable measures" to representative stock types, assuming that the dwellings were already compliant with Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS). These reasonable measures were chosen on the grounds that they offer reasonable improvements in energy efficiency relative to the cost of installing them. Most measures are also eligible for external funding.



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