
Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing: guidance for social landlords (revised December 2017)

Revised guidance for social landlords on the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH), December 2017

13 Further Advice for Landlords and Tenants

13.1 This guidance is correct at date of publication but landlords should note that it may be superseded by future changes. It is intended to be a "living" document, subject to amendment and iteration, with the next opportunity for review scheduled for December 2018.

13.2 The EESSH Review Group identified the need for an ongoing forum for landlords to share best practice and for update to key elements of this guidance – for example, to keep up-to-date with changes in sources of funding for improvements. The Scottish Government is currently developing proposals for an online forum for landlords to meet this need.

13.2 The Scottish Government produced a tenant's guide to the EESSH in 2013. This guide is available online at /publications/energy-efficiency-standard-social-housing-eessh-tenants-guide/.

13.3 The Scottish Government provides energy efficiency advice to support landlords, tenants and owner occupiers. This is delivered by Home Energy Scotland ( HES) advice centres and managed by the Energy Saving Trust ( EST). [10]

Scottish Government - December 2017


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