
Energy Efficient Scotland consultation: Making our homes and buildings warmer, greener and more efficient

This consultation runs in conjunction with the Energy Efficient Scotland route map and asks for views on proposals on standard setting for domestic and non-domestic properties, access to EPC data, and on legislation.

The Role Of Assessment To Support The Domestic Energy Efficiency Standards

46. As noted in paras 18 and 19, any assessment process needs to be robust enough to be able to consider the technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness of improvements to a property to reach EPC C and therefore is likely to include an advisory element too.

47. For some owner occupiers or landlords from the private rented sector, the process from assessment through to improvement, to meeting the Long-Term Domestic Standard will be straightforward and the current EPC assessment should be able to be used. However, there will be situations where the owner of the property may be unsure of what measures to install, or want to know what to do to achieve a higher standard. There are also technical issues around buildings that could mean that some additional assessment will be needed.

48. We recognise concerns flagged in response to previous energy efficiency consultations on the use of the EPC methodology to set improvement targets under the Energy Efficient Scotland Programme. As a first step, we have commissioned research to identify where a response to such concerns is needed.

49. As noted, in some situations, an additional assessment may be needed. This additional assessment should be appropriate and proportionate and will build on the existing EPC assessment process. By using and developing the existing EPC assessment we will maintain and grow the existing capacity, experience and skills we have within the Scottish supply chain. To develop this, beyond the current EPC process, we will be undertaking further exploratory work with stakeholders.

50. We are proposing to set up a Short Life Working Group ( SLWG) which will take into consideration our commissioned research and move forward with the development of the additional assessment requirements as well as formulating how this Energy Efficent Scotland assessment will be delivered. The Energy Efficent Scotland Assessment SLWG will be convened in the early summer, and will also take into account the responses to this consultation.

Consultation Question

16. In addition to what we have set out in paras 46-50, what should the Energy Efficient Scotland Assessment Short Life Working Group also consider? Please explain your answer.


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