
Energy Efficient Scotland consultation: Making our homes and buildings warmer, greener and more efficient

This consultation runs in conjunction with the Energy Efficient Scotland route map and asks for views on proposals on standard setting for domestic and non-domestic properties, access to EPC data, and on legislation.

Compliance and enforcement of the Long-Term Domestic Standard

51. We propose that the Long-Term Domestic Standard is mandatory over time and so there will need to be processes in place to monitor and enforce the standard across the sectors. With the proposal that the standard be set with reference to the EPC rating, there is the opportunity to make use of existing EPC processes (and those developed to support the Energy Efficient Scotland assessment) to prove compliance and monitor improvements to properties over time.

52. The SHR is responsible for monitoring social landlords’ compliance with the EESSH, and use this information as part of its annual risk assessment of social landlords. The consultation in summer 2017 proposed that local authorities may be the appropriate body for enforcing the minimum standards in the private rented sector, given their existing role in this sector, though it was noted that there would be resource implications to this. Future consultation on the detail of how mandatory action would work in the owner occupied sector would include proposals on where responsibility for enforcement would sit.

Consultation Question

17. What are your views on whether the Long-Term Domestic Standard should be enforced at a local or national level? Please explain your answer.











In the Transition Phase we will expand current local delivery programmes into able-to-pay households and businesses, drawing on national advice and financial support.

The foundation of the Programme offer is that all businesses will be able to access good quality, independent advice and information on improving the energy efficiency of their building(s) and reducing their fuel bills.

National Delivery - continue to be offered to those businesses who are either not covered by an area based scheme at any given time, or who wish to improve their property earlier than backstop date.

Local authorities expand their current approach to delivery by developing a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy ( LHEES) setting out a costed delivery plan for its area.

Subsidise cost of interest free loans for SME sector. As non-domestic baseline developed there is potential to consider a more targeted approach to certain businesses (in terms of size or sector). Large businesses and public sector have ready access to finance resources.


The scenario proposes the use of building floor area to bring a roughly equal proportion of buildings under regulation within a five yearly review of regulations.

The Assessment of Energy Performance of Non-domestic Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2016 introduced a requirement for owners of larger non-domestic buildings (>1,000 m²) to assess and improve the emissions and energy performance of their buildings. The requirement is triggered by sale or rental.

The output of an assessment is an ‘Action Plan’ that records both the improvement targets and the measures that will be undertaken to meet them, based upon advice from a registered Advisor.

Energy and emissions improvement targets will be set at a level that will pay back investment over an appropriate timescale. This will reinforce the message that ‘simple improvements make sound business sense’.

Non Domestic Programme Overview

Non Domestic Programme Overview


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