
Energy Efficient Scotland: consultation on further development of the programme

The consultation seeks to gather evidence which could support a change to the proposed timeframe to deliver standards for all properties across Scotland in an achievable and realistic way.




3. Subject to Scottish Public Procurement Regulations, the designation of zones will see local authorities offer supply to public sector buildings, providing an 'anchor load' of heat load to reduce the demand risk faced often faced by investors.

4. Analysis of responses to the public consultation on Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing post-2020:

5. See Table 3 below.

6. The impact of regulating at the point of turnover depends on how many properties would have been upgraded anyway due to the business as usual. The impact of turnover regulations would be maximised if these dwellings would not otherwise have been upgraded, while the impact would be minimised if these dwellings displace other properties from energy efficiency programmes. The modelling takes a midpoint assumption that dwellings which turn over are no more, and also no less, likely to have been upgraded than other dwellings through the business as usual.

7. Local Construction Skills Needs for Scotland, June 2018

8. The National Household Model is an open-source tool developed for the UK Government to model the impact of upgrading the domestic housing stock. The stock file used in the modelling reported in this consultation was based on a three-year (2011-13) combined Scottish House Condition Survey dataset.

9. 99% of the owner occupier dwellings were modelled to be able to reach an EPC Band C based on the upgrades available within the NHM.

10. Simple payback is calculated as the annual fuel bill savings divided by the capital cost of the package of upgrades. More complex payback calculations could adjust for replacement costs of measures with shorter lifetimes, amongst other refinements.

11. Fluctuations in the figures from year to year can be the result of sample error, as well as dwellings moving between sectors (with the private rented sector having grown relative to the owner occupier sector in the earlier part of this period), as well as dwellings being upgraded to reach a C.

12. A change in tenancy is where a new tenancy agreement is required under the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016.

13. Local Construction Skills Needs for Scotland, June 2018

14. Heat Networks Market Study Final Report, Competition & Markets Authority, 23 July 2018:

15. National Comprehensive Assessment of the Potential for Combined Heat and Power and District Heating and Cooling in the UK, Ricardo Energy & Environment Report for the Department for Energy and Climate Change, 16 December 2015:

16. Heat Policy Statement Towards Decarbonising Heat: Maximising Opportunities for Scotland, the Scottish Government, 11 June 2015.

17. Energy Trends: March 2018, special feature article – Experimental statistics on heat networks, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, 29 March 2018:

18. Consultation on Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District Heating, Why Research, 14 November 2017:



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